Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Is that done yet?

I grill allot so I find this chart useful! I also find hitting these temperatures hard but at least its safe or so it seems. So if you are curious about the cooked temperature of chicken or beef or most things this will be a useful guide. I believe this is provided somewhere else by the USDA if you want to look for it.

Meat Internal Temp. Centigrade
Fresh ground beef, veal, lamb, pork 160°F 71°C
Beef, veal, lamb roasts, steaks, chops: medium rare 145°F 63°C
Beef, veal, lamb roasts, steaks, chops: medium 160°F 71°C
Beef, veal, lamb roasts, steaks, chops: well done 170°F 77°C
Fresh pork roasts, steaks, chops: medium 160°F 71°C
Fresh pork roasts, steaks, chops: well done 170°F 77°C
Ham: cooked before eating 160°F 71°C
Ham: fully cooked, to reheat 140°F 60°C
Ground chicken/turkey 165° F 74°C
Whole chicken/turkey 180° F 82°C
Poultry breasts, roasts 170° F 77°C

Steak done!
Pork done!
Chicken done!
Grill Done!
I'm done!

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